Killa Was Here is a direct reflection of the artist's life, focusing most of his work on themes such as love and death. Each painting tells a story about the artist, his personal life or some external factor that in some way touched and inspired the artist. In Killa's work, we can often find some of his iconic motifs, such as the smiling face, butterflies and the most recent "Killaz" Teddy. Despite the happy and
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Killa Was Here is a direct reflection of the artist's life, focusing most of his work on themes such as love and death. Each painting tells a story about the artist, his personal life or some external factor that in some way touched and inspired the artist. In Killa's work, we can often find some of his iconic motifs, such as the smiling face, butterflies and the most recent "Killaz" Teddy. Despite the happy and vivid colors present in the young artist's work, which end up transmitting a happy and joyful experience to the viewer, Killa's art is often related to dark and tortuous inspirations. The smile, which is immediately associated with happiness and the smiley face emoji, actually represents today's young people's unfortunate and common battle with anxiety and depression. At first glance, the viewer is presented with a contented expression, but the distorted smile accompanied by the tear in the left eye actually acts as a hidden sadness, as a metaphor for the characteristics of people struggling with depression, which at first glance seem well, but in reality they are dealing with internal and personal mental issues. Killa is known for his three-dimensional works, where he tries to escape the flatness of regular canvases, creating structures similar to sculptures, with the purpose of hanging them on the wall.