In a magical world of memories,Roberto Chichorro(1941) expressed in his paintings with vivacity the characteristics of the Mozambican people. He began his career in the world of drawing, from the course of industrial construction. In 1967, he held his first exhibition in the cooperative of the Houses of Lourenço Marques, but only from 1980, is dedicated entirely to
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In a magical world of memories,Roberto Chichorro(1941) expressed in his paintings with vivacity the characteristics of the Mozambican people. He began his career in the world of drawing, from the course of industrial construction. In 1967, he held his first exhibition in the cooperative of the Houses of Lourenço Marques, but only from 1980, is dedicated entirely to painting. In the exuberance and vibration of colors is transmitted to strong experiences, from the armed struggle in the times of the revolution in Mozambique to social repression between the 1940s and early 1970s. The adornments unite to a practically abstract figuration in a color palette which stands out for always intensely colorful.His works are exposed in several institutions, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lisbon and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Luanda. The painter received several awards as a "acquisition premium" in the modern art hall in Luanda in 1973 "honorable mention" in the autumn hall of the Estoril Casino in 1987 and "honorable mention" in the biennial of Óbidos, In 1991. ver menos