No plans for December? Until the end of the year there are still many new features and spaces to visit. The P55 knows that there is no nothing more practical than an online guide with several options! Discover in this article five exhibitions to visit this Christmas season.
1. Nicolás Muller: the committed look until 02/20/2022
This exhibition is a journey through the countries that Nicolás Muller visited. Of Jewish origin, he lived in Hungary in the run-up to World War II and, like most Jews, had to emigrate to survive. At that time, he traveled to Italy, France, Portugal, Morocco and Spain, where he settled permanently. He registered in his photographs the beginnings of Nazism and the scars it left. This exhibition consists of 126 images, mostly unpublished, produced between 1937 and 1967.
2. Women and Resistance until 12/31/2021
“Women and Resistance – 'Novas Cartas Portuguesas' and other struggles” is the name of the exhibition at the Aljube Museum, which takes the name of the book Novas Cartas Portuguesas, by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Teresa Horta and Maria Velho da Costa, published in 1972 and censored three days after release. The process known as Três Marias is the starting point for the exhibition that extends through other stories of resistance to fascism among women, from the 1930s to the 25th of April 1974. film cycle dedicated to female struggle and resistance.
3. Manoel de Oliveira Photographer until 01/17/2022
From October 29th until January, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation shows photographs, many of which have never been seen before, taken by Manoel de Oliveira, between the late 1930s and 1950s. from Oliveira. To see in the Art Library Hall of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
4. PopArt & Freedom until 01/21/2022
PopArt & Freedom is an exhibition that reflects the strong influence of the POP movement and the culture of freedom. Curated by Carlos Cabral Nunes, artistic director of Perve Galeria, pieces with intense colors will be on display that expose the various neo-libertarian narratives present. The House of Liberty - Mário Cesariny celebrated eight years of existence in November.
5. After me the flood by Beatriz Marcos until December 31st
Climate change is the crisis of our time. Global warming and the consequent rise in sea levels are the main cause of migration of the most vulnerable people. The water element is not only a destroyer of places, but also a means of displacement for populations that take refuge from natural disasters. “After me, the flood.” reflects on the role of citizens in the face of climate change, and the troubled future that lies ahead.