On Wednesday, the Lisbon City Council (CML) took stock of the first 60 days of using the Culture Pass, which allows free access to 47 municipal cultural facilities, including monuments, museums, theatres, galleries, cultural spaces and libraries among others, in the Portuguese capital.
According to data from the municipality, two thousand people joined the initiative, most of them young people. It should be remembered that this pass can only be granted to Lisbon residents aged up to 23 years or over 65. The youngest represent 75% of these users, and the remaining 25% are the oldest.
"Lu.Ca, Teatro Luís de Camões, was the most popular venue, with 731 spectators, followed by São Luiz Teatro Municipal, with 551, and Padrão dos Descobrimentos, with 327", says a note published on the CML website. "This demand for equipment confirms the general trend, with a greater demand in young people up to 23 years old", continue those responsible. Already in the 'top 3' of the older population, are the Museum of Lisbon (Palácio Pimenta), São Luiz and Padrão dos Descobrimentos.
The Councilor for Culture, Diogo Moura, notes that “the Lisbon City Council is pleased with the scope of the Culture Pass in the first 2 months. The numbers presented reveal the importance of the measure: both in mitigating the effects of inflation, helping to prevent it from diminishing cultural enjoyment, and as a factor in attracting a younger audience and those over 65 years of age, thus enabling greater and easier access to cultural expressions". importance".
The president of the municipality, Carlos Moedas, notes that “a city that aims to cultivate habits of cultural and artistic enjoyment is a more prosperous city. The Culture Pass reinforces this ambition and forms part of a broad package to combat inflation in the city, with an impact in several areas, and which aims to support families and companies in Lisbon". "The figures presented do not include Castelo de São Jorge, where free access is applied to all Lisbon residents", recalls the municipality.