What is Screen Printing?
A serigraphy is a printing method that offers the possibility of transferring an illustration to paper or fabric through the stamping process. This is an ancient technique that emerged in the East, however it had a greater impact on art, from the 1950s onwards with the artistic movement pop art. Through works on American culture, Andy Warhol It is Roy Lichtenstein popularized this mode of reproduction. Nowadays, many artists like Vhils, banksy, João Cutileiro, José Guimaraes, among others, have used serigraphy in order to develop their artistic production in different ways. Are you curious to know how to produce a serigraphy? Learn with us how to create your own graphic work at home.
How to do serigraphy?
Serigraphy, also known as silk-screen or screen printing, is a printing process, which consists of transferring ink through a mesh stretched on a frame, forced to cross to another area due to the movement performed. The screens of this method were originally made of silk, so the The expression serigraphy derives from two words, the first being the Latin “sericum” which means silk and the second the Greek “graphé”, the action of writing or drawing.
Regardless of technological advances, this process is mostly manual, however there are automatic and circular screen printing that use machines for this process.
Step by step, we will teach you how to produce a manual serigraphy. All printing processes require a set of materials so Firstly, let's mention the materials needed for this process:
- Drawing ink (drawing fluid)
- brush and pencil
- screen filler
- Spatula or squeegee for spreading the paint
- mesh and frame
- Ink for screen printing
- Printing support (paper or fabric)
Step 1:
Create the illustration you want to print.
Step 2:
In a frame place the mesh well stretched.
Step 3:
Place the illustration on a table and place the frame on top. Draw your illustration on the stretch mesh of the frame with a brush.
Step 4:
Elevate the frame/screen so that it is not touching the table. Paint the area of the illustration you want to print and wait until it is completely dry.

Step 5:
Place paper tape around the frame. Now it is necessary to use the screen filler in the areas that you do not intend to print. Shake the screen filler first, pour some on top of the screen and spread the paint with a spatula in one go. (Spreading multiple times will create bubbles.)
Step 6:
After the screen ink is dry, clean the drawing ink with water at room temperature (do not use hot water). The blue ink in the illustration will begin to fade.
Step 7:
Finally you can print! Place the ink at the top of the screen, furthest away from you. Firmly and using pressure, drag the spatula towards you at an angle of approximately 60 degrees.
Your serigraphy is ready!