Applications for support from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for artistic creation projects in the Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Cinema opened yesterday and run until March 31, announced that institution. Support will be granted to artistic creation projects in the areas of Performing Arts - choreography (dance) and staging (theatre/opera), Visual Arts (drawing, sculpture, photography, performance, painting and video) and Cinema (direction); artistic creation projects to be carried out in the context of a national or international artistic residency; and curatorial projects in Visual Arts", said the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in a statement released today.
Applications, which run until March 31, are open to "Portuguese or foreign artists with permanent residence in Portugal and who demonstrate that they have an active career in the national artistic scene; and also non-profit Portuguese private artistic production institutions". Projects that see approved applications must be carried out between July 1 of this year and November 30, 2025, "and provide for a public presentation, which can be complemented with activity disseminated through digital means".
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation recalls that, last year, "52 projects, individual and collective, were approved within the scope of this annual competition". More information on applications can be found on the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation website.