David Hockney is one of the most influential British artists of this century, best known for his colorful and vibrant iconic paintings featuring Californian swimming pools, vivid Yorkshire landscapes and portraits of his friends and family. His works reflect an interest in modern life and popular culture, with a playful, ironic and distinctive approach. Want to know more about David Hockney? Read on to discover five facts you probably don't already know about the artist.
1.Royal College of Art
When finishing his course at the Royal College of Art, David Hockney didn't want to be judged on his writing skills, but on his artistic experience. The British artist refused to write the final text of his exam, and I draw a satirical sketch. It ended up working, as the Royal College of Art changed its rules and approved David Hockney.
2. Sees synesthetic colors through music
Synesthesia is a neurological condition that consists of experiencing sensations of a particular sensory modality from stimuli of another distinct modality (Baron-Cohen, 1996). Can you imagine being able to visualize pain, fear or smells? Seeing the colors of the numbers? Savoring the words? These questions are by no means foreign to those with synesthesia. For centuries it confused the scientific community, which attributed its cause to mental pathologies or the use of toxic substances, and only recently has it come to be seen as a real scientific phenomenon. David Hockney has synesthesia, which means he sees synesthetic colors through music. While this is not necessarily demonstrated in his artwork, the British artist creates theater sets that reflect this specific gift.
3. Has sold two plays for over $40 million
David Hockney's pieces are increasingly sought after. One of his biggest auction records was selling two works of art for over $40 million. Considering David Hockney sold his first artwork - a painting of his father - for just ten pounds, $40 million is a pretty impressive transition.
4.Refused a Knighthood of the Order of the British Empire
This Decoration is an honor given to Knights of the Order of the British Empire. The honoree is recognized for outstanding achievements, personal bravery and service to the United Kingdom, and thus becomes a member of the royal nobility. David Hockney was knighted in 1990, but declined. The British artist stated, "I don't value any kind of prize. I value my friends".
5.David Hockney creates works on iPad
In 2010, Hockney held an exhibition at the Pierre Bergé and Yves Saint Laurent Foundation in Paris, in which he demonstrated 300 works of art made entirely on iPads and Iphone. To emphasize the digital nature of the pieces, their artwork was also digitally displayed on large screens to mimic the iPad itself. David Hockney, 73 years old at the time, gave up using the brush and started using the Brush app, taking advantage of the feature made available by the tactile screen to paint with his finger, transforming the artist's relationship with his own work. In the exhibitions, it was possible to observe, step by step, the entire design process.