female lens
Photography Exhibition until 05/22/2022
The Portuguese Photography Center presents an exhibition of its own production that intends to honor the women photographers represented in the National Photography Collection. They are women who contributed to the excellence of photographic narrative and broke with the preconceived concepts of a male-dominated profession.
Through a Different Lens – Stanley Kubrick Photographs
Photography Exhibition until 05/22/2022
For the first time, Portugal gets to know another facet of American filmmaker Stanley Kubrick: that of photographer. The show at the Centro Cultural de Cascais is curated by Sean Corcoran and Donald Albrecht and is based on the archives of the Museum of the City of New York. There are 130 photographs, many of them never published, as well as reports of Kubrick as a young photographer in the magazine look, a publication in which the future director started working at the age of 17. Before arriving in Cascais, the exhibition passed through Trieste, Italy.
Unknown territories: the creativity of women in modern and contemporary Portuguese ceramics (1950-2020)
Exhibition until June 26, 2022
Until June 26, 2022, the Museu Nacional do Azulejo has a temporary exhibition "Unknown territories: the creativity of women in modern and contemporary Portuguese ceramics (1950-2020)", a project that aims to investigate and make known the contribution of women artists for the development of Ceramic Art from the post-war period to the present. In the development of one of the relevant vectors of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Valorization of Women Artists, Gender Equality, an attempt is made to give prominence to a heritage of great importance and unsuspectedly vast. The exhibition includes pieces from the Museu Nacional do Azulejo, as well as from other public and private collections, from tiles to three-dimensional pieces, designed and/or executed by women who stood out in this field in the period considered. There will be works by Ânia Gabriel Abrantes, Bela Silva, Cândida Wiggan, Catarina and Rita Almada Negreiros, Clotilde Fava, Estrela Faria, Felipa Almeida, Fernanda Fragateiro, Graça Morais, Joana Vasconcelos, Maria Anna Vasco Costa, Maria Emília Araújo, Maria Keil, Rita João, Sónia Sapinho, Teresa Cortez and Vieira da Silva, among other artists with tile and ceramic work. Several initiatives will take place in parallel at the Museu Nacional do Azulejo, with a view to giving visibility to the project.
Maria Eugénia & Francisco Garcia A Collection
Until May 29, 2022, at the National Museum of Contemporary Art, in Lisbon, the exhibition Maria Eugénia & Francisco Garcia A Collection is open to the public.Maria Eugénia and Francisco Garcia constituted, in the 1960s and 1970s, an art collection that manifests the transformations in artistic taste of a cosmopolitan bourgeoisie, increasingly disconnected from the constraints of the Estado Novo, although suffering its permanent consequences. Despite the colonial war, it was felt that the regime was crumbling and culture was at the forefront of the contest.
“Friends of almost all of the exhibited artists, Maria Eugénia and Francisco Garcia were also friends and admirers of José-Augusto França and sought his advice.For this reason, when people started thinking about exhibiting the Collection, he wrote his last text for the catalogue, at Jarzé's house, when he was on the verge of turning 95. In this territory of friendships, the permanent interaction with Fernando Lemos, the artist with the most works in the Collection, stands out. Fernando Azevedo It is Marcelino Vespeira, the 1952 exhibitors at Casa Jalco on Rua do Carmo where the adventure began.” by Raquel Henriques da Silva
“The prints that make up this collection were produced in a pioneering time for the history of printmaking in Portugal, and at the same time very generous. This means that there was an intention, in particular with the founding of Cooperativa Gravura (1956), to reach a broader market, new audiences, and enhance broad artistic experiences by exploring creativity from the various techniques of contemporary printmaking.
Maria Eugénia and Xico Garcia (known in this way among their friends) both became partners of Cooperativa Gravura in the 1960s, and in that capacity had access to the purchase and periodic raffle of prints edited there, which constitute the broad basis of the collection, in addition to from others acquired abroad. And they joined the Cem Cem Club (1966), which operated as an informal group of friends, appreciators and collectors where works of art were raffled off.It is a collection of very significant copies and mostly by Portuguese authors, consisting of around seventy copies. Only twenty-seven are on display, in addition to multiples by Edgar Pillet, Sonia Delaunay, Vasarely that fit into a serial production with distinct characteristics. This exhibition nucleus includes engravings by authors that are only represented in this nucleus, engraving works that complement other paintings by the same author, and significantly expressive works of different techniques such as metal engraving, lithography, woodcut and serigraphy.” by Cristina Azevedo Tavares
Origin of Sara Seabra
Painting exhibition until 11 June 2022
Sara Miguel began his artistic career as a self-taught artist. His training in International Relations, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, proved to be fundamental in the discovery of different artistic languages with expression on the identity and vision of the world. Graduated in Classical Ballet by Imperial Classical Ballet, she received two honorable mentions, the first referring to the José Estêvão Literary Prize (2014) and the second in the area of painting in the Aveiro Young Creator Contest (2019).Participated in the artzine "Ultra Violenta", edition n°11, with two works (2020). Attended for two years the theater school Start-teatro Histórias Formação and several dance internships at Teatro Aveirense from 2008 to 2012, some of them with Companhia Naconal de Bailado and with Ballet Teatro, with Companhia Quorum Ballet and with Companhia Jeune Geneva Ballet. Member of the European Youth Parliament, representing José Estêvão Secondary School, which took place in Matosinhos (2013), he was part of the organization of the National Meeting of International Relations Students of the University of Coimbra (2015).In the last years, Sara Miguel she has dedicated herself to the plastic arts, being recognized for painting, embroidery on photography and mixed techniques. He held a group exhibition at Avenida Café-Concerto in Aveiro entitled “Sopro”.“Origin” is the painter’s new exhibition. Second Sara Miguel: “For me, the universe is full of origins, of different processes. One such origin and process is a blank canvas. These creative processes gave rise to two collections that are on display here today, although not in their entirety: the Raízes Collection and the Orgânico Collection. These collections and the other works that accompany them, approach something very profound, with a certain enigmatic character (the enigmas of life), almost as if they represented the different structures and plans that we know, such as the social, psychological, political , physical, emotional, referring us to a puzzle where different pieces fit together, remove or reconfigure. These two collections and other works lead us to a position of questioning: what is the essence? The immaterial? What is the source, the origin of feelings and emotions? Reason or emotion? They seek to express, after a constant search for shapes and lines, dots and colors, that something that is in a raw, pure state, ready to be transformed. And here we go back to the beginning of the process, we go back to the origin.”