Jens Haaning, known for his artworks targeting income inequality, migration and working conditions, was commissioned by the Kunsten Museum to recreate one of his most famous works from 2007. The artwork that the museum was privy to wait should be a screen covered with crown notes to represent the different incomes of families in Denmark.
When the museum received the artwork in 2021, it was surprised to find two large blank canvases, titled "Take the Money and Run." Later, the Kunsten Museum exhibited the blank canvases, but asked Haaning to return the money as he had broken the contract.
When he refused, the museum took him to court. The decision has been made and Haaning has to return the amount of 67 thousand euros to the museum. However, you can keep the workers' fees, which amounted to around 3,500 euros. In a previous interview with a Danish radio station, Haaning said the “stunt” was a statement about working conditions and that he believes workers should do similar things if their situation were as dire as his.
"If you're sitting in a shit job and you're not getting paid, and you're being asked to pay money to go to work, then grab what you can and take action."
Haaning's piece is part of a long list of artists who have highlighted the often absurd hypocrisy and elitism of the art world.
One of the most memorable cases of this type of self-reflection occurred in 2018, when Banksy's "Girl With Balloon" was put up for sale at Sotheby's for 1.28 million euros. After being sold, the piece slowly slid from the frame and was cut into strips by a device installed by Banksy in the frame itself.
Despite the "ruin" of the work of art, it was sold for the original asking price.
Source: Euronews