P55 Magazine

Bem-vindo à P55.ART Magazine, um espaço dedicado à arte.
Aqui encontrará as últimas tendências, novidades, acontecimentos do mundo da arte, além de um olhar abrangente sobre os movimentos artísticos mais importantes ao longo da história da arte e as histórias, influências e técnicas de artistas emergentes e consagrados. A P55.ART Magazine divulga as informações essenciais, as últimas notícias e conceitos fundamentais, com vista a aprimorar o conhecimento e apreciação dos seus leitores pela arte.
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As Fotografias da artista Nan Goldin: Arte e Ativismo | P55 Magazine | p55-art-auctions

Artist Nan Goldin's Photographs: Art and Activism

Nan Goldin's work is autobiographical, documenting the social situations around her, such as the new-wave post-punk scene, the gay subculture, the LGBTQI+ community, the HIV crisis in big cities and the relationship with heroin consumption. and opiates. Learn more about the life and work of American photographer Nan Goldin in this article.

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O artista Javier Ruiz Pérez e as relações humanas | P55 Magazine | p55-art-auctions

The artist Javier Ruiz Pérez and human relations

Javier Ruiz is an emerging contemporary artist who has been developing his work around human relationships. Through his practice, the artist questions himself about what humans would be like without the influence of politics, culture and religion. Learn more about the artist here.

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Ellen Kooi: A fronteira entre a Fantasia e a Realidade | P55 Magazine | p55-art-auctions

Ellen Kooi: The Boundary Between Fantasy and Reality

Ellen Kooi's photography investigates a multifaceted confrontation between man and nature, between each person and their surroundings, a complex and conflicting relationship that today is being redefined as never before and is ripe for reinvention. Learn more about Ellen Kooi here.

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Takashi Murakami: A Cultura Pop e Arte Tradicional Japonesa | P55 Magazine | p55-art-auctions

Takashi Murakami: Pop Culture and Traditional Japanese Art

Takashi Murakami is a contemporary Japanese artist known for his uniquely styled works that combine Japanese pop culture and traditional Japanese art. She has been working with different media, from paintings, sculptures and has even developed collaborations with the fashion and entertainment industries. In addition to his craft as a visual artist, he also manages Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd., an art and event production company.

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