He is one of the most important artists of our time, who has been dazzling the public with his immersive installations “Infinity Mirror Rooms” with an aesthetic that embraces light, polka dots and pumpkins. know more aboutYayoi Kusama in this article.
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Most often, LGBTQ+ pride is shared with the rainbow symbol. While the rainbow signals shared identity, community and allegiance, lived experiences transcend symbols and slogans. In this pride month, P55.ART highlights artists whose work crosses the rainbow, in recognition that despite increased representation, many aspects of the queer experience are still invisible or one-dimensional.
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Considered the most important Spanish artist of the second half of the 20th century, Antoni Tapies became known for his mixed media paintings that incorporated marble dust, found objects and resin.His highly textured and tactile paintings were influenced by his experience of the politics and environment of the war and the post-war state of the Spanish government.
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Júlio Pomar (1926-2018), one of the most renowned artists of the Portuguese 20th century, distinguished with numerous awards, with work duly appreciated in countless exhibitions, always had the need to “resort to words” and to be close to them. Not only did he accompany literature with illustrations, he also wrote poetic works and fado lyrics, many of which have already been set to music. Learn more about this fabulous artist.
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