P55 Magazine

Bem-vindo à P55.ART Magazine, um espaço dedicado à arte.
Aqui encontrará as últimas tendências, novidades, acontecimentos do mundo da arte, além de um olhar abrangente sobre os movimentos artísticos mais importantes ao longo da história da arte e as histórias, influências e técnicas de artistas emergentes e consagrados. A P55.ART Magazine divulga as informações essenciais, as últimas notícias e conceitos fundamentais, com vista a aprimorar o conhecimento e apreciação dos seus leitores pela arte.
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P55 store — Movimentos

História da Paisagem, do Renascimento até Arte Contemporânea

History of Landscape, from the Renaissance to Contemporary Art

The landscape theme was constantly related to the affirmation of the main artistic movements, especially from the Renaissance onwards. Over time, this genre, which depicts mountains, rivers, bridges or architectural spaces, has undergone changes in terms of artistic means and languages. Currently, its relevance in the field of fine arts is remarkable; however, for several centuries, for the academy, it was considered inferior in relation to other genres. In order to understand how artists represent this theme in contemporary times, we will approach the artistic idea of landscape, from the Renaissance, through the Baroque, Romanticism and post-war period.

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What was surrealism? What are the characteristics?

What was surrealism? What are the characteristics?

Surrealism is an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the 1920s, led by André Breton. The aim of surrealism is to explore the unconscious and dreams through art and literature. Learn more about this movement.

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What is Pop Art? What are the characteristics?

What is Pop Art? What are the characteristics?

Pop Art is an artistic movement that emerged in the United Kingdom and the United States in the mid-20th century, and represented a challenge to traditional “Fine Arts”. Find out more here.

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