Minimalism is an extreme form of abstract art developed in the US in the 1960s, characterized by works of art composed of simple geometric shapes based on the square and rectangle. Minimalism or minimalist art can be seen as an extension of the abstract idea that art should have its own reality and not be an imitation of something else. We tend to think of art as representing something from the real world (a landscape, a person, or even a can of soup!) or reflecting on an experience such as an emotion or feeling. With minimalism, no attempt is made...
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The futurist manifesto, published on February 20, 1909 in the French newspaper “Le Figaro”, was the starting point for the emergence of several cultural vanguards that dominated Europe in the 20th century. In the Manifesto, Italian poet Filippo Marinetti extolled the beauty of machines, speed, light and rupture compared to Greek statues. Discover the history of one of the most important movements of the 20th century here:
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The Art Nouveau movement, also known as Art Nouveau, was an artistic and architectural style that emerged at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. Find out more in this article.
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At this year's Venice Biennale, representatives from Brazil will shine a light on the indigenous peoples of their territory, once brought to the brink of extinction by colonial rule and who are now fighting to recover what was taken from them. Find out more here.
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