In September, Underdogs presents two exhibitions strongly based on thecontext of urban art and graffiti. Nuno Viegas, Portuguese artist whose work composesa true celebration and exploration of the universe and meaning of graffiti, takes over the main space of the Gallery. In turn, the German artist The Art of Rage installs himself in the Cápsula space with works that incorporate his transgressive and countercurrent nature.
Nuno Viegas
In GETTING UP, Nuno Viegas continues the conceptual line that has dominated his work over the last few years, focusing on an exploration of the world of graffiti, which is unavoidably his main root as an artist. Evoking emblematic elements associated with this culture, ranging from latex gloves, to shirt masks, crowns, diamonds and stickers, he creates compositions that evoke the presence of abeing without defined identity and devoid of gender, ethnicity or religion. This dimension of anonymity, so present in his work, is also reflected in the title of the exhibition –GETTING UP – an expression in the medium that marks the rise of graffiti writers to recognition within (and sometimes outside) the community, but which is usually limited to the universe of tags, maintaining the true identity as a totally incognito person.The aggregating component in this exhibition is found in the throwies, which, next to the tags, represent the most iconic elements in the world of graffiti. In GETTING UP, Nuno Viegas establishes a contrast between the simplicity and the aggressive and visually polluted character of these inscriptions, with his paintings that present a markedly polished, detailed and peaceful aesthetic. Referring to the renowned work of René Magritte, “La Trahison des Images” (The Betrayal of Images), which depicts a pipe and which gave rise to the expression “Ceci n'est pas une pipe” (This is not a pipe), the Nuno Viegas' work is about graffiti and he composes representations of this medium, however what he presents to the spectator is not, in fact, graffiti. Opening on Friday, September 16th, Underdogs presents GETTING UP, the first solo exhibition by Portuguese artist Nuno Viegas at Underdogs, following on from previous collaborations such as a Dream Edition and sculptures for Festival Iminente Lisboa 2021. The Cápsula space will host Distortion, an exhibition by the German artist The Art of Rage, which is the artist’s first exhibition in Portugal, and is also part of the IMAGO LISBOA Contemporary Photography Festival, which takes place throughout the month of October 2022.
Nuno Viegas (aka Metis) is a Portuguese artist born in Faro and raised in Quarteira. Founder of the art collective Policromia Crew, he began his artistic journey in graffiti in 1999. After completing his studies in Visual Arts at the University of Algarve, he moved toRotterdam in 2014, where he discovered a new artistic identity and started to develop his paintings strongly influenced by the graffiti scene. This has been the focal point of the artist's production and his greatest source of inspiration. Nuno presents us with a contrast between the visually aggressive and sometimes dirty reality of traditional graffiti and the peaceful and clean representation in his works. The approach to this theme is a continuous tribute to all those who dedicate part of their lives to this scene. We can see his work expanding across art walls and spaces around the world, always with the aim of improving and moving towards his dream - tagging the moon.
The Art of Rage
Distortion is the summary of more than 25 years of interventions in public space by the hand of the visual artist The Art of Rage, mirroring the various ways in which he has been using art as the ultimate expression of his non-conformity. Incisively, the exhibition reveals the role that urban trains play in the expression of its plastic language, elevating them from the banal and everyday functionality of a means of transport, to objectsartistic expressions of disobedience that force us to look at the mundane with different eyes.Profoundly multidimensional, the works presented in this show assume an alternative configuration of movement, expressed not only (and paradoxically) by static compositions, but also by video capture, which allows the viewer to enjoy the perceptual experience of urban space in the gallery space. Seeing graffiti and street art as both a creative inspiration and a form of protest against social conservatism, the Hamburg-born artist is characterized by a body of work that highlightshis side of disobedience and revolt against the status quo permeate his work.
The Art of Rage is a German artist, born in Hamburg and with a wide international presence in urban art. In 1998 the artist discovered his fascination not only for the visual arts but also for art as the ultimate expression of disobedience and nonconformity. For over 25 years, The Art of Rage has found its creative territory in graffiti and urban art. Working alone or in collaboration with other artists, he has been exploring trains as an urban element of choice and as a substrate for his visual narrative. The Art of Rage transgresses and explores the boundaries of graffiti, typography and visual arts. His interventions are the expression and extension of the fight against conventional social norms, a form of protest against the system in the form of unexpected and ephemeral visual proposals.
Underdogs is a cultural platform based in Lisbon, Portugal, which works with artists linked to the new languages of urban-inspired graphic and visual culture, helping to establish a close relationship between creators and the city for the enjoyment of all. Established in 2010 and consolidated in its present form in 2013, the Underdogs project is based on three complementary areas: a Gallery with an innovative exhibition program; Theproduction of original and accessible Artistic Editions; and a Public Art program that aims to promote art as an everyday experience, complemented by a guided tour scheme and an educational service.