P55 Magazine

Bem-vindo à P55.ART Magazine, um espaço dedicado à arte.
Aqui encontrará as últimas tendências, novidades, acontecimentos do mundo da arte, além de um olhar abrangente sobre os movimentos artísticos mais importantes ao longo da história da arte e as histórias, influências e técnicas de artistas emergentes e consagrados. A P55.ART Magazine divulga as informações essenciais, as últimas notícias e conceitos fundamentais, com vista a aprimorar o conhecimento e apreciação dos seus leitores pela arte.
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Young Blood: Quem são os jovens artistas da P55.ART?

Young Blood: Who are the young artists of P55.ART?

Young artists are often a source of new ideas with less conventional works of art, which contributes to an increased diversity of cultural expressions. While the pandemic has taken a toll on the global art market, artists have not stopped working and this has led to their rise. Who are the young artists of P55? Discover in this article five young people belonging to the new generation of artists.

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5 xxposições de arte a visitar em Novembro de 2022

5 art exhibitions to visit in November 2022

Do you already have plans for November? In order not to miss news from the artistic world, P55 put together a list of five art exhibitions that took place during November. Take a look at this guide and discover the perfect proposal for you.

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Quem foi o artista de Arte Pop Roy Lichtenstein?

Who was the Pop Art artist Roy Lichtenstein?

In 1923 was born Roy Lichtenstein, one of the main figures of American Pop Art. In the 1960s, he gained prominence by producing work inspired by comics, such as “In the Car” and ``Whaam!''. Wwith the constant use of the Benday point - common in the reproduction of newspapers and magazines,Roy Lichtenstein created a style of his own, where he meticulously explored the distinction between painting and commercial printing. Discover 5 must-have works of art that influenced the likes of Richard Prince, Jeff Koons and Raymond Pettibon in the new article.

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5 obras de arte icónicas do artista espanhol Pablo Picasso

5 iconic works of art by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso

140 years ago, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century was born: Pablo Picasso. The Spanish artist marked the historical panorama by creating, together with George Braque, a pioneering movement, Cubism - a way of representing three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional plane. ⁠Inspired by African and Iberian art, he also contributed to the emergence of surrealism and expressionism. With more than 20,000 paintings, prints, drawings, sculptures and ceramics, he has become one of the most famous artists. Discover the five outstanding works in the career of the prestigious Pablo Picasso. 

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