P55 Magazine

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Aqui encontrará as últimas tendências, novidades, acontecimentos do mundo da arte, além de um olhar abrangente sobre os movimentos artísticos mais importantes ao longo da história da arte e as histórias, influências e técnicas de artistas emergentes e consagrados. A P55.ART Magazine divulga as informações essenciais, as últimas notícias e conceitos fundamentais, com vista a aprimorar o conhecimento e apreciação dos seus leitores pela arte.
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Who was the Portuguese contemporary artist Julião Sarmento?

Who is the contemporary Portuguese artist Julião Sarmento?

Julião Sarmento, one of the most recognized contemporary Portuguese artists, passed away on the morning of Tuesday, May 4th, leaving behind a notorious and emblematic work punctuated by experimentation with all means and techniques. Over the last five decades, the multidisciplinarity of the Portuguese artist's work has addressed themes such as eroticism, sexuality, literature or cinema. Far from presenting an exhaustive constitution of his works, this article highlights the lines of investigation and creation that Julião Sarmento obsessively explored throughout his extensive career.

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Revolução de 25 de abril de 1974: O Impacto na Arte

Revolution of April 25, 1974: The Impact on Art

The Revolution of April 25, 1974 overthrew the dictatorial regime of the Estado Novo, in force since 1933, beginning the implementation of a democratic regime. The revolutionary atmosphere that was felt in the streets encouraged the participation of artists, in an explosion of graphic art. Thus, after the revolution, the mural paintings and posters linked to this political transformation are remarkable. In a euphoric aesthetic trait, artists and the population took on an intervention role through art, expressing their voice, which was once suppressed.Starting from the artistic manifestations during the 25th of April 1974 until the subsequent transformations, we will...

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Como comprar obras de arte online de forma acessível

How to buy artwork online affordably

P55 is a Marketplace dedicated toArt which provides a free service to its suppliers to sell their works without leaving home. The platform's mission is to revolutionize access to Art and make it available to everyone through the online store and weekly auctions.From classical to contemporary art, with around 500 authors, this platform stands out from the rest for one reason: all pieces come from professionals, be they artists or gallery owners. In a digital age, how does this online platform make the art market more accessible?

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História da Paisagem, do Renascimento até Arte Contemporânea

History of Landscape, from the Renaissance to Contemporary Art

The landscape theme was constantly related to the affirmation of the main artistic movements, especially from the Renaissance onwards. Over time, this genre, which depicts mountains, rivers, bridges or architectural spaces, has undergone changes in terms of artistic means and languages. Currently, its relevance in the field of fine arts is remarkable; however, for several centuries, for the academy, it was considered inferior in relation to other genres. In order to understand how artists represent this theme in contemporary times, we will approach the artistic idea of landscape, from the Renaissance, through the Baroque, Romanticism and post-war period.

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