The 9th edition of Access Culture Week starts today, Monday, and runs until June 25th. A week to reflect on what access is and create greater awareness regarding the mission and objectives of Acesso Cultura. A week also to get to know better some projects that are carried out in different parts of the country and that make a difference.
We hope to see you in one or more of the following initiatives:
The Activist museum: going deeper
June 19th – online and in person, at Casa Fernando Pessoa
6pm | Free entry
We open Access Culture Week with another debate from the series “The activist museum: going deeper”. This time, we spoke to Esme Ward, director of the Manchester Museum, and Njabulo Chipangura, Curator of Living Cultures at the same museum. Anyone in Lisbon or nearby can come to us at Casa Fernando Pessoa. But there will also be, as usual, online transmission. Please click on the link above (title) and register for the online broadcast.
10+1 | Access, participation and cultural democracy: visions and experiences
Launch of the publication and conversation
June 20th, São Luiz Municipal Theater
6:30 pm | Free entry
On the occasion of our 10th anniversary, we spoke to ten cultural structures and colleagues with whom we have collaborated in different ways. In his work we find material to think about access, participation and cultural democracy in Portugal. To these 10 interviews, we add +1, that of Ben Evans, Director of Arts and Disability at the British Council, who brings us an international context for this reflection – and, above all, for action.
For the launch of this bilingual digital publication (Portuguese and English), we invited David Cabecinha, Alkantara, for a conversation; Isabel Craveiro, O Teatrão; Miguel Atalaia, Bons Sons Festival; and Inês Thomas Almeida, musicologist and deputy curator of the exhibition about Madalena Perdigão at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The conversation will be moderated by Mónica Guerreiro who, together with Hugo Sousa, was responsible for this publication.
The publication will be available on our website from June 20th.
Access Culture Award 2023
Delivery ceremony
June 21st, Marvila Library
6:30 pm | Free entry
List of applications
The jury for the 2023 Access Culture Award is made up of:
Ana Braga, museologist
Lara Seixo Rodrigues, curator and cultural programmer
Mickaella Dantas, dancer
Open doors
Between June 19th and 25th
Cultural organizations open their backstage doors: Who works there and what do they do?
We currently have proposals for visits to Lamego, Lisbon, Loures, Oeiras, Peso da Régua, Porto, Torres Novas. The page is being updated.
Source: Access Culture