What is ceramics?
Ceramics, one of the oldest production techniques, is made from mixing products such as clay. With the use of clay, the creation possibilities are endless, from plates, mugs, bowls, terrines to vases. For centuries these objects have been created by craftsmen specialized in the field. Currently, there are more and more people interested in the technique of ceramics and want to learn how to make objects, whether for decoration or for use. To help with the first steps in the world of ceramics, P55 has put together a list of tips for producing your own pieces at home.
Ceramics: First Steps
Before starting to work with clay, you need to understand what materials you will use. In the first place, one must understand the methodology with which one intends to work, as this determines the entire process. Usually are used:
- Polymer clay, oven-baked or air-drying. Since it air-dries, a conventional oven is not required.
- Conventional clay. It requires the use of an oven, however the possibilities are endless in hand pottery.
- Clay with lathe. Requires use of an oven and learning to use a lathe.
After choosing the production method, we move on to clay. For the most part, an oven is required, but as mentioned earlier, currently there are clays that dry in the air. Don't forget that wet clay and dry clay don't work well with each other, so it's important to confirm that all material has the same consistency. To start, you only need clay and water. Professional tools can easily be replaced with objects you have at home. Dental floss or clothes lines are used to cut clay, a spoon to smooth and a kitchen sponge to clean and give texture to the pieces. It is essential to always have a bowl of water nearby as it serves to soften the piece. The lathe technique facilitates production, however, in addition to demanding a lot of concentration and dedication, there are other techniques. Thus, the lathe is not essential, especially for beginners due to the investment.
If you want to invest, there are kits with the materials, which usually include:
- Ceramic paste, for example: earthenware, terracotta or red clay;
- Wooden roller without handles for stretching the paste;
- Garrotte to section the paste;
- Keys of different formats to model the paste;
- 5mm wooden rulers to give thickness to the slab;
- Wooden toothpick for holes and small cuts;
- Wooden base for support;
- Fabric canvas.
In the end, after having the ideal shape, a layer of enamel is created to protect the piece with a shiny surface from wear and tear and water. For those who are going to start this adventure at home, we recommend using this material with a brush and disposable gloves. When buying enamels, analyze which one will be indicated to be applied with a brush. Before applying, sand the surface to remove imperfections or bumps on the object with 100-grit sandpaper until a smooth surface is obtained. Afterwards, rub with a damp sponge to remove the dust created when sanding the piece. Clay and varnish/enamel must have the same cooking temperature, otherwise it could end up melting in the oven.
Do not forget!
- The clay has to be completely dry before being fired in the kiln, otherwise it may crack or explode.
- To work with a piece for several days, just leave this cover in a plastic bag and prevent it from drying out. To get back to work put some water.
- When drawing patterns on clay, wait until it hardens.
- A simple way to make shapes is to create smaller spheres and work from those.
- The clay is quite flexible, however adding too much water can make the activity difficult.
- With pottery classes or even just video you will be able to learn new techniques.