Andy Warhol
What is P55?
P55 is a Marketplace dedicated to Art which provides a free service to its suppliers to sell their works without leaving home. The platform's mission is to revolutionize access to Art and make it available to everyone through the online store and weekly auctions.
The name is inspired by the year 1955, when the world witnessed the birth of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Jeff Koons, and also the appearance of the first mass computer, the acronym AI (Artificial Intelligence, or in Portuguese Artificial Intelligence) and the Internet. That year, a new world and a digital generation began.
From classical to contemporary art, with around 500 authors, this platform stands out from the rest for one reason: all pieces come from professionals, be they artists or gallery owners. In a digital age, how does this online platform make the art market more accessible?
Untitled in Keith Haring
O boom market and digital platforms
The evolution of digital music led to the decline of record stores, and today people prefer to buy online than run through malls traditional. Over the last few decades, the ways in which people discover and buy products have changed exponentially due to market growth. online.
Art is still based on personal relationships - physical galleries, museums, fairs and other events - however, the dominance of the internet has transformed buyer behavior. Thus, as with other subjects, people began to see and buy art in a different way. Previously, it would have been unthinkable for a collector to buy a work of art without seeing it in person, however, roles have changed, people acquire online the works exhibited in the galleries, instead of visiting them. Today, the dominance of the internet has transformed shopper behavior and helped drive the economy. The growth of the traditional art market has been constant, but in this new world online we have seen boom of new buyers.
hope in Oker, 2018
The democratization of the art market
The art world is made up of many layers from creator to viewer. If we have the right social environment, it is easier to have direct access, however the majority of the population does not integrate into this small world. For many people, entering a gallery is an intimidating experience, as they do not adapt to the surrounding environment. With the P55 it is more accessible to discover the world of art, without fears and restrictions.
In the past, collectors in order to educate themselves and refine their tastes in art turned to paid specialists, the consultants. These recommended emerging artists whose work would be appreciated and valued culturally and commercially. At P55 you can discover emerging artists and obtain information about them, from the marketplace, from the Magazine or more directly by email.
Being able to exhibit in a gallery and be represented by it in order to boost your career is the goal of most artists, however this is a complicated medium. Platforms like P55 pave the way for artists and dealers to become more independent, breaking with the conventions of the traditional art market.
Woman sitting touching the virgin. Vermeer in Lluís Barba, 2020
How does the P55 make the art market more accessible?
At P55, artists have the possibility to choose the works they want to demonstrate to a wide audience, without needing a physical space. Users have the opportunity to browse catalogs of works without ever entering a physical gallery. At the marketplace has access to the list of artists, their works and information about them. At Magazine You have the opportunity to educate yourself about artists, artistic movements, techniques, among other topics. if you adhere to newsletter receive news about new artists, auctions and new articles. On social networks, there is the possibility of always discovering the news and learning more about the artists in a new and unprecedented way. These tools made available by P55 help in the education and choice process, making the client self-taught, without the need to hire a consultant. Being able to carry out your own research and be able to contextualize yourself about the works in a simple way would not be so accessible and easy in the physical world.
From the reformulation of space in Cruzeiro Seixas, 1996
Since we currently buy everything for Internet, why not also buy art? With the cultivation of social platforms we have seen a growth of diverse buyers. Once closed, to a small space or region, from the platforms online both the consumer and the artists are interconnected worldwide.
Easy to use, the P55 makes it possible to buy art in an unpretentious and accessible way due to the variety of works of art and values, designed for all consumers. Thus, P55 makes the art market more accessible by improving communication between artists and the spectator: the artist offers a stage to exhibit their works and the consumer gives the possibility of making their own choices in an accessible and educated way. .