Photorealism is a relatively recent artistic movement that emerged in the 1960s, as a reaction to Abstractionism and other artistic trends that moved away from realistic representation. Artists in the photorealism movement draw inspiration from photographs and other imaging media to create extremely detailed and precise works of art. Learn more here.
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Neo-expressionism is an artistic movement that emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s, mainly in Germany, Italy and the United States. This movement was a reaction to the minimalism and conceptualism that predominated in art during the 1960s and 1970s.
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The Kinetic Art movement was characterized by experimentation with movement and visual perception, and often incorporated technology into its works. The first exhibition of kinetic art was held in 1955 at the Denise René Gallery in Paris, which became a focal point for kinetic artists.
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In the 20th century, the world witnessed major transformations, from the two world wars to the birth of the internet. In the artistic world in the first half of the century we saw the expansion of the concept of art. The Russian avant-gardes, Marcel Duchamp's ready-mades, the collages of Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, among other creations, transformed our perception of a work of art. Realize which were the main artistic movements in the century of the great political, economic and social changes.
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