P55 Magazine

Bem-vindo à P55.ART Magazine, um espaço dedicado à arte.
Aqui encontrará as últimas tendências, novidades, acontecimentos do mundo da arte, além de um olhar abrangente sobre os movimentos artísticos mais importantes ao longo da história da arte e as histórias, influências e técnicas de artistas emergentes e consagrados. A P55.ART Magazine divulga as informações essenciais, as últimas notícias e conceitos fundamentais, com vista a aprimorar o conhecimento e apreciação dos seus leitores pela arte.
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P55 store — Ralf Winkler Penck

Quem foi o artista alemão A.R. Penck (Ralf Winkler)?

Who was the German artist AR Penck (Ralf Winkler)?

Once again, and all that are available, as we go through the walls and easels of our Gallery, works appear that remind us of names, currents, schools, styles and trends that we dwell on. Today, the German Penck (Ralf Winkler), born in the mythical and martyred city of Dresden, is our chosen one.I fear it between us and him let's talk a little. Who is it? What represents? Where does it take us? Opening let us say that Penck is aman of the seven trades: he paints, sculpts, draws, prints, engraves, organizes performances in which he combines music and plastic expression...

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