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5 artistas a seguir se gosta do artista Manuel Cargaleiro

5 artists to follow if you like the artist Manuel Cargaleiro

the portuguese artistManuel Cargaleiro (b. 1927) created a striking language in the artistic world by combining ceramics and painting, through interplay between color, light and shadow. Discover artists with a language similar to Manuel Cargaleiro. 

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Quem é a artista portuguesa Joana Vasconcelos?

Who is the Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos?

Joana Vasconcelos He started his career in 1994, having held more than 500 exhibitions, permanent installations and works of public art, in 35 countries. In 2000, he won the EDP Foundation New Artists Prize, expanding his national projection, and, in 2005, he gained international recognition with his first participation in the Venice Biennale, the most important world event dedicated to contemporary art. strong artist, Joana Vasconcelos he never focused on just one technique, one method, one line, one way of doing things, always finding new ways to explore new situations, to reinvent himself, as he did, in 2013, with the installation of the...

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5 Factos sobre a artista sérvia Marina Abramović

5 Facts about the Serbian artist Marina Abramović

Marina Abramović is a Serbian conceptual and performance artist, philanthropist, writer and filmmaker. Since the beginning of her career, she has pioneered the use of performance as a form of visual art. Her work has explored body art, resistance art and feminist art, the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body and the possibilities of the mind.

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Vanguardas: A história do suprematismo e construtivismo

Vanguards: The History of Suprematism and Constructivism

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian vanguards developed, which ended up having a notable impact on the movementsEuropean artists. The climate of political stability in Russia, but also openness after 1905, allowed the emergence of new ideas. Influenced by Cézanne and the avant-garde movements in Europe, we saw the birth of two new artistic styles in Russia, Suprematism and Constructivism.

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