Stone by Stone, 2022
Pen on paper
This drawing is a culmination of sensations and in it I represent the fascination with architecture. These incredible and majestic monuments, from the Mayan Pyramid, or the Hagia Sophia, to Notre Dame, create some uneasiness in me, the thought of someone taking the stone and molding it, fitting it together and creating something so magnificent. And as one of my works is not just about linear representation, I represent in it Belvedere by artist MC Escher, where the impossible and surrealism live in the middle of the ruin as if it had existed but now forgotten in time. At the top of the drawing, on purpose, I open a small space where the Tower of Babel is born, in which there is a city and a tower so tall enough to reach the sky. Finally, and with great enthusiasm, I draw a project by Jochen Gerz and his wife Esther Shalev-Gerz, the Monument against Fascism: an imposing twelve meter steel column erected. This work slowly disappeared over time and here I allow it to exist again and remain together with the word and the meaning it entails.
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